Archive for February 14th, 2011

Guns used in Mexico leaking from approved sales to its military

Story here. “Similarly, an AP video report from May 2009 confirms that “M16 machine guns” have been seized from Mexican criminal groups engaged in the drug war. “It’s unclear how cartels are getting military grade weapons,” the AP report states….

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New Book Traces, Celebrates History of Elk Hunting

MISSOULA, Mont.—America’s premiere big-game hunting historian, Boone and Crockett Club, has announced a new book that traces the evolution of elk hunting and records keeping from the late 1880s through the 1970s. “An American Elk Retrospective” features hundreds of vintage photos, historic score charts, records correspondence and portraits of some of the most significant elk ever [...]

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Sportsman’s Warehouse Steps Up Support for RMEF

MISSOULA, Mont.—With retail locations in 15 states and a new online store, Sportsman’s Warehouse is reflecting the interests of a growing customer base by stepping up support for the Rocky Mountain Elk [...]

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DIY – Turkey Call Striker

     By Jerry Long, February 13, 2011  Long overdue, this week’s post covers how to make a striker for your turkey call. Two recent dustyvarmint woodwork’s calls with strikers. For the sake of brevity there are a lot of details missing. If you have questions, ask. I have no secrets. Safety – Make sure you [...]

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Hunting Honeymoons, Fishing Anniversaries?

I need to thank Phil Bourjaily for reminding me that today is Valentine’s Day, but not because I need to get a card or chocolates (Out of sympathy for anyone scrambling right now to buy an overpriced flower arrangement, I won’t torture you with the fact that my wife couldn’t care less about Valentine’s Day.), but because I’m supposed to post a blog today about my honeymoon—which, it turns out, answer’s Phil’s question: “Do you hunt (or fish) with your spous

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Rhino Poaching Not a Great Career in 2011

This year nine poachers in South Africa have been killed so far, that’s twice as many as all of last year. The poachers are going after rhinoceros, and the park rangers who have been killing them insist that they only fire on the poachers in self-defense. Last year 333 rhinos were illegally killed in the [...]

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Hog Blog Book Review – Backyard Deer Hunting

At the 2011 SHOT Show this year, while waiting on the bus to take us to the range day, I was struck by the number of taciturn, and even downright grumpy, folks standing with me in the queue.  I know, it was still fairly early on a Monday morning in Las Vegas.  A lot of [...]

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Ski Flying World Record: 800 Feet

Akin to ski jumping, ski flying is a bit like wingsuit flying without a parachute. This man breaks the world record when he soars over 800 feet after screaming down a new huge jump.

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Happy Valentine’s Day, Try Rock Climbing Instead of Sex This Year

Students at Cal State Fullerton are promoting alternatives to the traditional Valentine’s Day evening of dinner and…whatever. Lumped in with their suggestions of roller skating, paint balling and horseback riding is, of course, rock climbing.
“Rock climbing would be a fun activity for couples. It’s dangerous, exciting and an adrenaline rush,” said Risetter.
Sure, plus you get [...]

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Knock-Off Petzl Gear

It appears that Chinese knock-off artists have moved beyond handbags and cell phones and into the lucrative rock climbing market. Petzl has issued a warning on their website that some knock-off biners and ascension devices are out in the ether. So, if you’ve bought any Petzl climbing gear in Chinatown or from the trunk of [...]

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One More Tag…

With one more Alabama buck tag in my pocket, it was time to single out a solid management 8 pointer to close out the season.  I had not quite 10 days to punch the tag, but with bucks coming to the call I figured I would at least get a chance. The very next day, [...]

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Happy Valentines Day

Most Commented PostsAutopsy Pretty Much Rules Out Candice Berner’s Death Anything But Wolves (430)When A Knave Calls Out Knaves (398)Pray, Montana Suffers Massive Wolf Kills On Elk Herd (379)McCain Picks Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Already Being Called Wolf Killer (278)Obama Says Constitution Flawed, Framers Didn’t Get It Right (264)The Fairy Tale Land of the Wolf [...]

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Trapper Sent to Federal Prison Because of “Governmental Dithering”?

William McCoy, 41, of Fayetteville, Pennsylvania was trapping in Maine when he “inadvertently” caught a Canada lynx, a species protected by the Endangered Species Act. According to court documents McCoy, upon discovering he had caught and killed a lynx, the trapper panicked and tried to destroy the evidence instead of notifying authorities. He was sentenced [...]

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A Proposal For A ‘Deer Action Plan’ in Maine

*Editor’s Note:* Below is the current status of an action plan, the result of meetings and discussions among a coalition of sportsmen’s groups, foresters, biologist, politicians and environmentalists. I am told this is a “work in progress”. I would strongly encourage those who have ideas and/or would like to become actively involved in bringing back [...]

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3,000-Mile Trek Of One Female Gray Wolf

What began as an experiment on a female gray wolf in Montana, ended up as a poisoning death in Colorado. A two-year-old investigation of who poisoned a gray wolf in Colorado provides few answers. However, a GPS-collared female gray wolf provided an interesting map of a journey comprising some 3,000 miles through five states. Tom [...]

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You Haul Game Invention

A regular reader of the Black Bear Blog is working on his own invention of utilizing a game hauler and a bicycle. “jes” hunts behind land gated to motorized vehicles and is trying to come up with a way to transport his harvest. Related ArticlesTrophy Buck Mount (1)USFWS Considering Idaho’s Request For Expanded 10(j) Actions [...]

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Rare Ocelot Discovered In Arizona

Get more information on this at this link. Tom Remington Related ArticlesESA Listing Of Foreign Species And The ESA Cash Cow (2)Jim Geraghty: “The Desire To Lash Out At Somebody” (0)Rep. King’s Gun Control Proposal Mentally Deficient (5)I Am An Ethical Hunter (0)The Tuscon Massacre and the Knee-Jerk Jerks (3)Protecting Wolves: With Dr. I.M. Moresmartt [...]

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Trophy Buck Mount

Photo by Rod Davis (Click for Larger Viewing) Related ArticlesMaine Fish And Wildlife: Aerial Deer Counting “It’s Absolutely Huge” (10)Unusual Antlers From Maine Whitetail Buck (2)Maine Bull Moose Mount (1)You Haul Game Invention (5)USFWS Considering Idaho’s Request For Expanded 10(j) Actions To Kill Wolves (45)Introducing “Hunt and Fish Guides” (0)The “Deal”, Part II: The Only [...]

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Elite Hunter and the Elite Tour

The 2011 Elite Hunter is a smooth drawing, short axle-to-axle bow that’s the perfect bow for a first time hunter or seasoned archer. Jenn and I both had a chance to shoot the Elite Hunter at the ATA Show and were both very impressed by how easy this b…

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