Archive for February 23rd, 2011

Funny, Unusual and Odd Search Keywords

I have on occasion over the past 8 years or so taken some time to go through my website statistics and share with readers some of the keywords and/or phrases that users of the Internet have typed into search engines and as a result landed somewhere on one of the pages of the Black Bear [...]

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CBS covers ATF gunrunning tonight

UPDATE: Here’s the video. Press release: 02.23.2011 CBS NEWS UNCOVERS GUNRUNNING SCANDAL WITHIN THE ATF Agency Secretly Endorsed Practice of Letting Guns “Walk”; ATF Agent to CBS News: “God Only Knows How Many Guns Were Used to Kill People” Tonight…

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Are Your Deer Dying?

Winter can take its toll on wildlife and this year has been especially hard on some species, and we’re coming into the most critical time period with as much as 30 days remaining in some areas before melt off.  I did some regional checkups on numerous states WSI(Winter Severity Index) and here are the results:

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Tough Guy And The Alaskan Bear Attack!

Anyone for an Alaskan Camping Trip? Polar Bear Attack in the High Arctic This is from up in the North West Territory , this chap is lucky to be alive. The guy survived the bear attack. The bear jumped on him while he was sleeping in his tent and he managed to get it off [...]

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Training to Hunt 2011 Weekly Log

Week of February 14-20 This was week # 5 of my training for the Annadel half marathon. I logged 2 base mileage runs Tuesday and Wednesday, of 4.87 and 7.84 miles, then Finished up the Week Sunday with a good trail run of 7.8 miles on the trails on the “back” side of Annadel Park. [...]

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Vittorio Sella’s Early Expedition Photography

Steve Casimiro at Adventure Journal pulled together some Vittorio Sella photographs that document early climbing expeditions in Italy. Sella was the first to climb several iconic peaks in Italy during winters, and he was certainly the only one willing to haul the massive gear required to shoot photos. See more of them on the Panopticon [...]

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Boning Out Your Own Deer

For several years I dutifully took my deer to a processor. Over the years I started working up my own animals, and this past year I did all or part of 2 elk, 4 antelope, and 2 whitetails. While I’ve certainly gotten better, I’ve got nothing on this guy: Click here for the video. I’ve [...]

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Wolves – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

*Editor’s Note*The following is the text to a speech delivered by Jim Beers in Idaho and in Oregon. The Boise speech was recorded and that audio can be heard by following THIS LINK. By Jim Beers Historical Presence – For thousands of years wolves have been vilified worldwide and depicted as dangerous, deadly, and sinister. [...]

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Outside Magazine Feature on Hendrik Coetzee

Take an hour long break in your cubicle to read the tale of Hendrik Coetzee, one of the finest paddlers in the world who died last December guiding an expedition down the Lukuga River in the Congo. Coetzee was attacked by a crocodile that pulled him from his boat and dragged him underwater, never to [...]

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Porcine Press – More Hogs in NC and Hunting License Sales Up

Thanks to fellow Skinny Moose blogger, Dan “Moose” McLaughlin, over at the Moose Droppings blog, I found this story about hogs tearing up folks’ yards in Elizabeth City, NC.  Elizabeth City, and neighboring Camden County hold very special places in my heart as the places where I started hunting (as opposed to being carried along [...]

Go to Porcine Press – More Hogs in NC and Hunting License Sales Up

Check OUT Free Water Quality Workshops in S. J.

Do you go freshwater fishing? Do you go to lakes and parks for recreation and swimming? Do you go canoeing? Do you enjoy nature? Are you concerned about the quality of your local streams, lakes, wetlands, and your drinking water? If so, attend one of these free workshops on water quality issues and stream monitoring. [...]

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Snowbiking the Alps

Is snowbiking BMX? Is it snowboarding for confused teens? Does anyone care? No, no, and only confused teens. This bizarre video is exactly the kind of thing you’d expect to come out of a French resort. I can’t wait to see a guy running downhill chasing his runaway snow bike.

var button = document.getElementById(‘facebook_share_link_15802′) || document.getElementById(‘facebook_share_icon_15802′) [...]

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Rockcastle: Candyland of the Shooting Sports

In the 4th installment of our series, “Sporting Clays on the Bourbon Trail,” we visit Rockcastle Shooting Center. Yes, we were there for the sporting clays, but owner Nick Noble is heck-bent on turning Rockcastle into a world-class attraction for all the shooting sports – and there’s a golf course, too. Sound like Candyland? Check [...]

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Endurance Athletes Live Longer?

A new study found that mice forced to run three times a week on a treadmill lived longer than mice that didn’t. That’s right…mice that exercise live longer than mice that don. Did I just blow your mind? *Sigh*
Other mice in the study were given diet pills without exercise, and they didn’t fare nearly as [...]

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WWII sniper relives his experience

Age 84, he still has it. Three shots into 5″ at a thousand yards. [typo in title corrected ... I doubt there are many WWI snipers left]…

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WWI sniper relives his experience

Age 84, he still has it. Three shots into 5″ at a thousand yards….

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Being Eaten Alive by Coyotes/Wolves – Part II

Two weeks ago, a reader provided photos that showed the bloody progression of how a deer in Maine was tracked down, attacked and eaten alive by coyotes or coyote-wolf hybrids. Dave Tobey of Eastern Maine provides more photos of another victim. This time a doe deer pregnant with twin female fawns. The attack begins. Appears [...]

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Week 8 – Stuffed, Wrapped, & Baked Teal

- 14 Teal or woodduck breasts – 1 ½ Large Sweet Onions – 1 Bottle Italian Dressing – 1 lb. GOOD Bacon – Olive Oil – Cream Cheese – 1 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese – Salt & Pepper I came up with this recipe Thanksgiving this year and has been a big hit, so I [...]

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Exposing Environmentalists’ Cash Cow – Equal Access to Justice Act

Related ArticlesExcuse Du Jour For Not Delisting Wolves (2)Are Feds Further Reneging On Wolf Introduction ‘Deal’? (2)Why Would Repealing The ESA Be A Republican/Democrat Issue? (5)ESA Listing Of Foreign Species And The ESA Cash Cow (2)The Endangered “Ecosystems” Act? Is This In Our Future? (4)After Global Warming Giving Environmentalism Another Chance? (0)Jim Beers: Two Lessons [...]

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Shooting the Hoyt Vicxen at the ATA Show

Hoyt worked with professional bowhunter Vicki Cianciarulo to design the first ever woman’s signature series bow and Jenn just might be the first vegetarian to shoot it!

The Hoyt Vicxen is a 33″ axle-to-axle bow weighing in at 4.1 pounds. To top it o…

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Long Range Shooting… Again?

Color me aggravated. Got home from work and found my new issue of Outdoor Life.  “Cool,” thinks I!  “There’s usually something good in there.” But then, right there on the front cover, it was staring out at me… “Outdoor Life’s Advanced Guide To Precision Long-Range Shooting”. “Wonderful,” I’m thinking.  “Another paean to shooting big game [...]

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