Archive for November 1st, 2010

Election Eve

GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!! Did you enjoy this article? Check out these:

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Should Albino Critters Be Protected?

The taking of an albino moose in Vermont by a teenage girl has brought up the debate again. The photos of the moose killed in Vermont are rather impressive. Within the hunting community there are two basic camps a trophy or something that should be protective. I fall in the trophy camp I see no [...]

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African Archery Safari – Part 10, Hunt Day 7

 By Jerry Long, November 01, 2010 In Part 10, Hunt Day 7, of the African Archery Safari series with Dries Visser Safaris in the Republic of South Africa I get to spend some solitary time in a blind pursuing cull warthogs. 22 August 2010 – Hunt Day 7 The plan was to go out in the morning for guinea with my bow and [...]

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Man Steal Fish & Wildlife Commission’s Boat in Florida

A Florida man stole a Fish & Wildlife Commission boat and took it on an early morning joyride until the Coast Guard caught up with him. It reminds me of the time some students stole the president of our university’s golf cart, except the in this case the guy impersonated a cop to take [...]

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Leo Houlding Frees New Route on El Cap

British climber Leo Houlding has put up a new free route on El Cap after nearly 10 years of work. His route, The Prophet, doesn’t have a grade yet, and it adds several pitches to the route Bad to the Bone skipping around a bit before getting back onto the route Eagle’s Way. The [...]

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Paying Extra For First Tracks

For the first time at Crystal Mountain in Washington people will be able to buy their way to the front of the lift line. An early gondola will take one load of fat cats to the mountaintop where they will indulge in a bacon and egg buffet before ski patrol pushes them into Green [...]

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Beavers Blamed for Torching Cabins

Firefighters in Ontario arrived at a cottage too late to save the building. The fire spread to another cabin, and its source was a mystery until they noticed the downed power line – and the tree that had fallen onto the power line to knock it down. The distinctive marks from a beaver chewing [...]

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The Great Deer Gear Giveaway

It’s that time! Head on over to the calendar page for the Great Deer Gear Giveaway and enter now! ( It wouldn’t hurt to read the rules, either ).


Keep checking back every day and get ready for the next prize! Here is a gallery showing everything that you could win!

Good luck!

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Why Web Sites Work & Don’t Work | Robb Russell SEO Podcast On Search Engine Marketing

Why Web Sites Work & Don’t Work | Robb Russell SEO Podcast In today’s day and age and with our national economy heading to shambles. Many web entrepreneurs are looking to make a quick buck on the internet and with the few honest guys quickly comes hundreds and thousands out there just gonna take your [...]

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Daily Devotional – Nov. 1

Bible Study Verse I Corinthians 6:19b-20 You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. I Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that [...]

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Daily Devotional – Oct. 31

Bible Study Verse Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. (NIV) Thoughts OK, in a moment of weakness, I agreed to go fishing with a buddy. We met at his [...]

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Daily Devotional – Oct. 30

Bible Study Verse Proverbs 29:20 Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him. (NIV) Thoughts When hunting, one thing I have noticed is that most animals rely on their sense of hearing to survive. God has built into animal systems a heightened [...]

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Daily Devotional – Oct. 29

Bible Study Verse Ephesians 5:15-16 Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (NIV) Thoughts Anyone who has hunted for very long has come to understand the importance and value of the walk. To be a consistently successful hunter, one [...]

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Daily Devotional – Oct. 28

Bible Study Verse I Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. (NKJV) Thoughts The dedicated hunter implements his program of strength and endurance training so he’ll be physically ready for the demands [...]

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Deer Forecast Nov. 1-7


Departure Temps:


A break between systems and high barometer (1034) on Tuesday should make for some good deer activity. Light rain in many areas will persist, creating good cloud cover and below normal temperatures through the end of the week. The pressure should bottom out on Friday (996) and begin to rise making Saturday and Sunday great. Best days 2nd, 6th and 7th.



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American Hero

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